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Insurance for rally driver – where to find, how to choose?

Eliezer Barker
Insurance for rally driver – where to find, how to choose?

Racing on the track is a lot of fun, but it is also dangerous because of an accident. That’s why choosing the right insurance is extremely important from the perspective of rally drivers. Find out which policy is right for you and what you should look for when choosing it.

Third party liability alone is not enough

The risk of a serious accident is far greater on the track than on the road. Therefore, even if your racing car is also used in public spaces, third party liability alone is definitely not enough. This is because compulsory insurance only protects against the financial consequences of damage caused on the road, so it only covers incidents involving other people’s property and health. Meanwhile, on the track, an accident may occur, because of which you will need compensation. Therefore, it is necessary to choose additional insurance coverage.

If, on the other hand, you want to buy third party liability insurance for a BMW sports car that you use not only on the track but also on public roads, you can find the best deals at Remember, however, that the companies take into account the purpose of your car, so expect premiums many times higher than for standard passenger cars. This is the price you have to pay for the high insurance risk borne by the company.

Autocasco for a racing car

Since the Third Party Liability does not provide compensation to cover the costs of vehicle repair, treatment or rehabilitation after an accident on the track, it becomes necessary to select other, additional policies. When it comes to financing possible accident repairs, look for an autocasco policy, which allows you to repair the damage no matter what the cause. Unfortunately, you may find that some insurance companies will refuse to sell you AC because the risks associated with driving on the track are too high. For the same reason, companies that will offer you autocasco will impose a very high premium – you just have to be prepared for that.

Because of the very high AC premium for a rally car, you should think carefully about buying it. Experience of drivers driving on the track shows that autocasco is only profitable for expensive cars. If your rally car costs several thousand zloty or even less, AC is pointless – it may happen that the premium will equal the value of the vehicle

What is more, even if you insure a much more expensive car, which costs more than 100 000 PLN, the amount of your own contribution at the time of damage and due to increases in indemnity payments will make it profitable to finance only the most expensive repairs from the insurance.

NNW insurance is equally important

If you drive on the track, you certainly want to protect not only your car, but also yourself from the financial consequences of accidents and collisions. Therefore, in addition to auto insurance, provide yourself with an accident insurance policy. Thanks to this, in case of serious injuries after a collision on the track, the insurance company will pay you compensation for the costs of treatment, rehabilitation or purchase of medical equipment. You can find and compare accident insurance policies on

In addition to standard insurance products in the form of autocasco and accident insurance, you should also be interested in special policies designed specifically for rally drivers. These are tailor made offers, which can prove to be much more beneficial than standard insurance available also for standard civilian cars.

Main photo: michael weir/

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